
Love God. Love People. Love the City.
That is our to-do list at MCC. This is why we are here.
We recognize this is easier said than done especially since we are a community of broken people who need grace every day.
Together, we focus on growing in three main ministry areas:


We have all kinds of words that express who we are seeking to become in worship. Some of the main ones are Hospitable, Gospel Centered, Prayerful, Biblical, Sacramental, Joyful. We are working to establish life giving worship practices that enrich and equip people each Sunday.


Prayer isn’t all we do at MCC, but we want it to be the first thing we do, we want it to be our best practice. At MCC we believe healthy churches are praying churches. We believe that churches who reach others in love and with the love of Jesus are praying churches. We believe that churches that are filled over and over and over again with the Holy Spirit are praying churches.


Our focus is on reaching people and enfolding people. It’s a both/and thing for us at MCC. We won’t sleep nights if we cannot find ways to lovingly connect with and serve our neighbors. Nor will we rest if people are not finding ways to enter meaningful, soul nourishing relationships with one another. At MCC our goal is to become a true spiritual community that is always looking to widen the circle of our relationships.

Staff and Ministry Leaders

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Anthony Vander Schaaf

Pastor of Teaching and Vision
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Jim Boer

Associate Pastor of Community Life
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Monica Mulder

Office and Facilities Coordinator
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Dave Hartwell

Communications Coordinator

Monroe Community Church is part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America

Our Beliefs

We believe in God the Father who created the world and governs all things: that He is our faithful Father. We believe God is actively and continually at work in us and around us.

We believe in God the Son who came to this earth as Jesus Christ, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and rose from the dead to give us new life.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit who lives in believers and continually nurtures us so that we may grow in Christ-likeness. The Spirit also empowers us so that we may be Jesus’ witnesses in the world.

We believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, we receive forgiveness for everything about us that separates us from a holy God. In that forgiveness, we will one day be raised from the dead, and share the joy of eternity spent with God.

These beliefs are summarized for us in the historic creeds and confessions of the Christian church. To learn more about these, click below:

Christ, Culture, and Mission at Monroe Community Church

Statements and documents connected with our mission at MCC