Youth Ministry

About Youth at MCC
Our world is fast-paced, ever changing, beautifully diverse, and sometimes tragically broken. We consider it a tremendous privilege to come alongside our Middle School and High School aged students in this world and walk with them on their journey of life and faith.
At MCC we hear students asking great questions. Questions like who am I? Who am I to others? Who am I to God?
At MCC we see students wanting justice, seeking to serve others, as well as looking for the experience of real friendship and community. Our commitment in Student Ministry is to help our students thrive in every way.

Values of Youth Ministry at MCC:

We intentionally reach out to all our students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every student is invited to encounter Jesus, to hear his message, and to experience his grace. We don’t pressure, we don’t push, but we do keep the Gospel front and center.

Faith is a journey and we desire that our students find what they need in order to grow as followers of Jesus. We recognize this is different from student to student. Some students are shaped by study, others through experiential activities, and still others through mentoring and small group encounters. We will be attentive to the particular needs of our students and work to help each one become more like Jesus.

We know relational is a bit of a buzzword but we still like it. We like it because to us relational means personal, real, connected, authentically human. We were created for relationship, relationship with the Triune God and relationship with one another. Student Ministry at MCC always seeks to build healthy community for all.