Prayer Ministry

MCC is a community committed to prayer. We are a people dedicated to praying, to growing in prayer, to loving God and loving people though prayer. We don’t believe prayer is magic, we don’t teach that a few special words said in a particular way automatically gets results. Neither do we believe prayer is a substitute for action.
We do believe that God meets people in prayer, that the Father listens to our words and to our hearts, and that he gives his grace and Holy Spirit to those who pray.
We believe there is real power in prayer and that it changes our lives.

Need Prayer?

Sometimes prayer can’t wait. If now is one of those times please tell us how we can pray for you. All submissions are treated confidentially. Use this online prayer form

Weekly Prayer Meeting

Weekly Prayer Meeting via Zoom Every Wednesday at 6:45 pm we gather on zoom to pray for 30 minutes. These prayer times are simple, honest and uplifting. No one needs to pray out loud, you can just come and soak in God's presence and hear the prayers of others and see what the Spirit is doing in our church. If you need prayer, it's a good time to receive that in a group setting. Join via Zoom - Wednesdays at 6:45 pm

Prayer in Worship

We believe worship is a dialogue, a holy, mysterious, conversation with our Triune God. Prayer is one of the ways we speak to God in worship. We also extend the opportunity for worshippers to come forward and receive prayer following each worship service.